Blogs To Talk About

This feature will be held whenever I get the chance to interview a blogger! So the more people who email me and what to participate in it, the more this feature will be held! What it will consist of is an interview with the blogger and it will feature that blogger by posting their blog button on here (if they have one). It's a way to get more readers and followers for not only me but for you guys as well. It's a win-win situation.

If you want to be a participant in this:
-E-mail me at with:
     -Your name
     -Your blog address

BTTA (1) Flipping Through The Pages...
BTTA (2) Pages Unbound
BTTA (3) Books with Marshmallows
BTTA (4) Unforgettable Books
BTTA (5) The Anfractuous Bookaholic
BTTA (6) That Artsy Reader Girl
BTTA (7) Burning.x.Impossibly.x.Bright