Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blogs To Talk About (2)

This week's Blog To Talk About is Briana and Krysta's "Pages Unbound"

"Blogs To Talk About" Q&A

1.  What’s the story behind the blog name?
We wanted a name that would convey the thoroughness of our reviews.  We like to think Pages Unbound brings to mind images of someone taking apart a book to find its essence, what makes it worth or not worth reading.

2. Where is your favorite place to read?
Briana:  I like to read cuddled up in bed with lots of blankets.
Krysta: I like to read curled up in bed with a cat sitting beside me. 

3. E-Book or Hardcopy?
Briana:  Hardcopy, definitely.  I think they’re easier to read, and I like to have something tangible, especially if I bought the book.  I like to be able to look at my bookcase and see all the books I’ve read and think about the memories that came with them.
Krysta: I prefer hardcopies, as well, since I think that books are not only the words they contain, but also the covers, typeface, binding, and weight.  All the aspects of a book add to the impression it makes on me and there is nothing comparable to a book that simply feels solid.  A book with a good binding and some weight to it seems to promise the story will be solid as well.

4. Favorite book and why?
Briana: The Lord of the Rings.  It has always been difficult for me to explain why.  There’s a lot of adventure and excitement, but it also says a lot about friendship, heroism, duty, and other important things.
Krysta: My favorite book is The Lord of the Rings.  I don’t think anyone will ever fully understand just what Tolkien accomplished, or be able to describe it.  The closest thing to an explanation that I can offer is that it is beautiful.  It reflects a little of God.

5. What are your inspirations?
Briana: I think nature is very inspiring.  A lot of books are, as well.
Krysta: Music, books, and nature all inspire me.

6. What do you like to do in your free time?
Briana: When I’m not reading, I like to write, especially fantasy.  I also dabble in ballroom and Scottish country dancing.
Krysta: Generally I read, write, and start crafting projects I seldom finish.

7. Name a color, a dessert, and a drink:
Briana: Strawberry shortcake, blue, and smoothies!
Krysta: Chocolate chip cookies, purple, and apple juice.

8. Favorite coffee shop?
Briana:  I don’t drink coffee!
Krysta: I don’t, either!

9. If you could be one character, who would you be and why?
Briana: I would love to be Anne Shirley from L. M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables.  There are certainly more exciting characters to pick, but I think there is something to be said for living a content life with good friends and an imagination that helps you see the world as beautiful.
Krysta: I would like to be Lucy Pevensie from the Chronicles of Narnia.  I love the way she finds the wonder in everything around her and seems to live life to the fullest.  She gets to experience a magical world, have a beautiful relationship with Aslan, and go on a series of adventures that help her mature into a thoughtful young woman.  And, of course, she makes it into Aslan’s country where every story is better than the one before.

Here is their link: Pages Unbound

If you want to be a part of "Blogs To Talk About" just click on the page that says "Blogs To Talk About" and follow the instructions! If I have enough people to submit, I will be posting a new Blog To Talk About every Thursday!

xo stephanie

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